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Heinek - Hynek Vrba

Behind "Heinek" is award winning director and an artist Hynek Vrba. With more than 18 years of experience as a director Hynek has been chosen to work on well known TV commercials and promotional films for brands like Aston Martin, Porsche, Esquire, Fred Perry and other around the world. Hynek is known on set for his obsession for perfection and also for his strong storytelling need to communicate in effective emotional way a message to the audience. If you would ask him how he would describe himself and what he does, he would most probably just say with simple modest words that he is just a guy who loves what he does and that he uses all he got and can use to tell you a story, your story...

about heinek's films

Heinek's films are personal non-profit projects created purposely for international film festivals. They are produced, written and directed by Hynek and in some of them you can see Hynek as an actor as well. Current biggest project which includes trilogy of films and communicates strong emotional story of Ethan and Francesca in three different times of their life is the biggest and the most challenging project so far for him as it includes not "just" three films but also Hynek's new novel and a series of drawings communicating the same complex story.

about the book(s)

As a need to tell a story it came somehow naturally couple years ago when Hynek started writing first words of a novel "Touch" as the most complex explanation of a story he wanted to tell but this time he wanted to tell this story in so many ways as he can. And now when his novel is going to be published very soon he feels that probably it is not the last try of his to tell a story to you also this new way.

about drawings

Hynek has been drawing from his 6 years, he was always focused with his art on people, their expressions and emotions. Even of his passion and love for directing and cinematography he still feels himself as an artist most as it has been the beginning of his life journey with a big mission and need to to talk to people as he always has felt that he has something to say and that good art can talk to people and maybe even more...